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Audio Gamer Show | Okami Wii

12/08/2010 Artistic Audio Gamer Podcast
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Okami Nintendo Wii


Nintendo Wii


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Family Gamer (Wii)

Here is my musical review of Okami on the Wii, I've called it 'I'm a Wolf'.

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Lyrics for I'm a Wolf

I'm a wolf and everyone loves me coz I saved the world from a terrible beast
If you'll listen I'll tell you my story tho it's actually quite boring and goes on and on
And on and on and bears no relevance to my game

I'm a wolf and my best friend's a little bug who frankly rubs me up the wrong way
It's so embarrassing I wish he'd stop speaking and let me get on with running around
Coz I run around, I just run around this empty island and it's not much fun

I can't draw with your little brush I don't know what it's for
I can't draw with your little brush all I have are my animal paws

I'm a wolf and I don't like humans sometimes I consume them especially the small ones
I'm not sure why I'm on this mission I'm not totally committed to getting to the end of my game and it's mainly because

I can't draw with your little brush I don't know what it's for
I can't draw with your little brush all I have are my animal paws

Video Game References in I'm a Wolf


Written by Rebecca Mayes

You can support Rebecca by buying Okami

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Rebecca Mayes writes the Audio Gamer column.

"Recently I jumped into that black hole and found myself lost in a place I don't understand. It is a place full of spectacle and phenomena which feeds my imagination. In many ways I represent all the people who know nothing about games, who are uninspired and uninterested in games."

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