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This week in the family gaming show Loz and I talk about LA Noire's open world 1940's LA, Flight Control HD on the iPad, Lego Pirates of the Caribbean and Ocarina of Time on the 3DS. Also broadcast on Kerrang Radio.
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This Family Gaming podcast is broadcast each week on Kerrang Radio's Loz Guest show. We talk about the latest games, and how we find time to play them with busy family and work lives.
It's also a chance to look ahead to see what games are coming up that should be on your radar as well as highlight some less well known gems we think you should be playing.
Listen live via the Kerrang Radio player or subscribe to the Game People podcast for your weekly fix of Family Gaming chatter.
Andy Robertson appears in this podcast. "Videogame reviews for the whole family, not just the kids. I dig out videogame experiences to intrigue and interest grownups and children. This is post-hardcore gaming where accessibility, emotion and storytelling are as important as realism, explosions and bravado."
Loz Guest appears in this podcast. "Loz is the governor of all things alternative on Kerrang! Radio. There ain't a lot he doesn't know about rock and its alternative styles and he dedicates his very existence to bringing only the very best music to the listener."
Andy Robertson writes the Family Gamer Podcast column.
"This Family Gaming podcast is broadcast each week on Kerrang Radio's Loz Guest show. We talk about the latest games, and how we find time to play them with busy family and work lives."
Here are the games I've been playing recently:
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Family Video Game Age Ratings | Home | About | Radio shows | Columnists | Competitions | Contact RSS | Email | Twitter | Facebook With so many different perspectives it can be hard to know where to start - a little like walking into a crowded pub. Sorry about that. But so far we've not found a way to streamline our review output - there's basically too much of it. So, rather than dilute things for newcomers we have decided to live with the hubbub while helping new readers find the columnists they will enjoy. |
Our columnists each focus on a particular perspective and fall into one of the following types of gamers: