101 in 1 Sports Megamix is a Minigames game available on the DS.
101 in 1 Sports Megamix is a Minigames game. Mini games come in a variety of shapes and sizes. What unites the genre is the speed with which players can pickup the games and the relativley short time requried to complete a level or two.
We have our reporters and community keeping an eye on 101 in 1 Sports Megamix for you, and we'll keep you up to date with the latest developments as they happen.
101 in 1 Sports DS has endless bite-sized challenges for very young players. Although it was almost dismissed as a passing fad, it has become a family favourite.
101 in 1 Sports reminds me of those collections of 100 games on the Spectrum. A cassette stuffed full of joy, if only you could cue the tape to the right place and find the one you want. Although, even when you did achieve this the effort wasn't usually worth it.
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