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Jelly Belly: Ballistic Beans on DS Wii

Jelly Belly: Ballistic Beans Screen Shots

Jelly Belly: Ballistic Beans is a Shooting game available on the DS Wii.

Jelly Belly: Ballistic Beans is a Shooting game. Shooting games present a world in which the character must shoot their way out of dangerous situations. They provide the player with an array of weapons tailored to specific tasks. This unavoidably involves a combination of fisticuffs and gun based fighting that dictates the violent nature of these experiences. Beneath this harsh exterior though is often an intricate tactile game - and this is usually what drives the player.


We have our reporters and community keeping an eye on Jelly Belly: Ballistic Beans for you, and we'll keep you up to date with the latest developments as they happen.


Family Gamer review Tue, 31 Mar 2009

Jelly Belly: Ballistic Beans on the DS offers the same heavy branding as the Wii version, that much was expected. Less anticipated though is the transformation the game makes with the addition of the DS's tactile stylus controls. Like with Peggle Dual Shot DS, the DS again proves its strength in these minigames.

Mini games come in a variety of shapes and sizes. What unites the genre is the speed with which players can pickup the games and the relatively short time required to complete a level or two.
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Family Gamer review Wed, 25 Mar 2009

Jelly Belly: Ballistic Beans is the heavily branded, although annoyingly addictive pachinko come pinball game staring the fruity flavoured gelatin snacks. In what turns out to be not a million miles from the crowd pleasing Peggle: Dual Shot DS, Jelly Belly: Ballistic Beans is just as moreish as the edible product.

Mini games come in a variety of shapes and sizes. What unites the genre is the speed with which players can pickup the games and the relativley short time requried to complete a level or two.
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