Jelly Car is a Driving game available on the IPHONE.
Jelly Car is a Driving game. Platform games task you with getting from point A to point B. The world you journey through is usually based on different levels, and populated with enemies, switches and lifts to be negotiated. As you work through each level you pick up various collectables that accrue score, special abilities and access to hidden areas.
We have our reporters and community keeping an eye on Jelly Car for you, and we'll keep you up to date with the latest developments as they happen.
When you have an iPhone, chances are good that any game you play needs to be completed quickly . To earn a permanent spot it has to be easily learned and quickly addictive. Jelly Car, a physics-based game featuring a squishy marshmallow car, handily satisfies these requirements.
Mini games come in a variety of shapes and sizes. What unites the genre is the speed with which players can pickup the games and the relatively short time required to complete a level or two.
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