Super Mario Galaxy 2 is a Platforming game available on the Wii.
Super Mario Galaxy 2 is a Platforming game. Platform games task you with getting from point A to point B. The world you journey through is usually based on different levels, and populated with enemies, switches and lifts to be negotiated. As you work through each level you pick up various collectables that accrue score, special abilities and access to hidden areas.
We have our reporters and community keeping an eye on Mario Galaxy 2 for you, and we'll keep you up to date with the latest developments as they happen.
Our Radio Play where Bob and Fred ponder the wonders of Mario Galaxy 2. A little too much game time has gone to Bob's head.
Confused? Listen to the Scripted Gamer Pilot episode to meet our reviewers and hear how it all started that fateful day.
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Five second reviews. Written, folded and photographed by hand for your pleasure. My haikvu's bring you bite sized hand sculpted game reviews. They combine the Japanese art of origami with haiku poetry.
Confused? Listen to the Scripted Gamer Pilot episode to meet our reviewers and hear how it all started that fateful day.
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Super Mario Galaxy 2 is an addictive masterpiece which takes me back to a time when completion was not an option but a mandate.
Hello, my name's Sinan and I'm addicted to little gold and green stars. These stars are everywhere. When I go for a walk, I see them hiding round corners, teasing me with their happy smiles and faint glimmer. I barely sleep, and even when I do I'm thinking about the next star. They are my ever-present passion, my torment.
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Super Mario Galaxy 2 manages to squeeze out another helping of joyous game play from Mario land. Building on what went before, and iterating where necessary, this is quite possibly the perfect platform game.
Super Mario Galaxy, in case you missed it, created a thousand tiny spherical puzzles each with their own theme, gravity and puzzles. It felt like every new level would be the bottom of the barrel, but then another world would appear and offer a new set of wonderful challenges.
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Super Mario Galaxy 2 Wii builds not only on Mario's years of platforming success but on the first games critical acclaim. It adds Yoshi, Mario's rideable dinosaur friend, and offers more options for a second player who can now help bring items to the first player as well as stun enemies and collect Starbits.
Platform games task you with getting from point A to point B. The world you journey through is usually based on different levels, and populated with enemies, switches and lifts to be negotiated. As you work through each level you pick up various collectibles that accrue score, special abilities and access to hidden areas..
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Super Mario Galaxy 2 Wii constantly surprises and delights with so many videogame treats. But in the alchemy that created such enjoyable gameplay the charm of the original Galaxy has been somewhat lost. Instead, Super Mario Galaxy 2 feels more like an awesome level expansion pack and less like a legitimate sequel.
That may sound overly harsh on a game that's already been praised higher than its predecessor. True, it may have iterated on the previous Super Mario Galaxy game, added new and exciting power-ups, merged 2D and 3D worlds together seamlessly, but Super Mario Galaxy 2 lacks the adorable quality of the first. The storybook beginning, the Star Festival and Rosalina's observatory were all elements that created a charming base for the game to spring its amazing ideas into space.
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Super Mario Galaxy 2 is a technical marvel bursting with innovation and creativity. What shouldn't work somehow comes coherently to life in the hands of a team at the top of their game.
Some deserts are achingly simple while others impress by the sheer volume of sugar in the dish. Super Mario Galaxy 2 is a Knickerbocker glory of a game, every idea under the sun emerges at some point, but somehow it remains focused and delivers a beautifully balanced taste.
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Mario Galaxy 2 is the sequel to easily the best Wii platform game to date. Mario Galaxy took the basic platforming 3D premise from Mario 64 and created hundreds of spherical worlds to explore. The same premise returns in Mario Galaxy 2 but with the triumphal return of Yoshi - Mario's friend-steed. This looks to be a Nintendo Wii game for both the hardcore and casual players.
Mario Galaxy 2 on the Wii continues the focus on providing the player with hundred of different nuggets of fun. Each level is different from the last and offers a new way to play with Mario's abilities. Whether you are simply but-stomping your way through a more traditional platform based world, or flying from star to star the feeling of exhilaration and fun is the game.
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