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Monster Hunter Tri on OST Wii

Monster Hunter Tri Screen Shots

Monster Hunter Tri is a Adventuring game available on the OST Wii. It can be played in Thirdperson modes.

Monster Hunter Tri is a Adventuring game. Adventure games are enjoyed for two reasons: they provide enemy encounters that require tactics and strategy to conquor, and they create a fantasy world in which to explore and adventure.

Monster Hunter Tri can be played in a Thirdperson mode. Third Person games view the world from over the right shoulder of the character being controlled. This enables you to see the character you are controlling as well as their surrounds. Although not as immersive as first person, third person games enable more complex moves and interactions with the environment.


We have our reporters and community keeping an eye on Monster Hunter Tri for you, and we'll keep you up to date with the latest developments as they happen.


Soundtrack Gamer review Fri, 01 Apr 2011

Monster Hunter Tri's soundtrack offers a huge quantity and variety of music, but it requires some cherry-picking to follow its musical journey.

When playing Monster Hunter Tri, the music wasn't really something that stood out for me. However, given the lengthy nature of some of the quests the soundtrack does well to provide an ambience that does not irritate on looping and didn't leave me searching the options for a mute button. Not high praise, perhaps.
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Novel Gamer review Mon, 31 Jan 2011

Rupert's Safari: While on a year out, Rupert decides to try a safari experience he has heard about. He gets far more than he bargained for and wrestles with an experience that challenges some personal views.

When playing Monster Hunter Tri, the music wasn't really something that stood out for me. However, given the lengthy nature of some of the quests the soundtrack does well to provide an ambience that does not irritate on looping and didn't leave me searching the options for a mute button. Not high praise, perhaps.
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Multiplayer Gamer review Thu, 20 Jan 2011

Monster Hunter Tri commits multiplayer hari-kari, but somehow forges a game that is enjoyable to sink long hours into. Although Wii-Speak foibles mean you will probably play alone, there is still an awful lot of fun to be had.

I'm a huge fan of any kind of co-operative multiplayer; I will generally buy anything if it gives me the chance to co-op with a friend, either locally or via the Internet. Monster Hunter Tri promised quite a lot in this area. I'd heard that the multiplayer aspect of the game was designed around groups of players taking on challenges that were beyond the capability of a single player and best achieved through coordinated team tactics. If that is the case then I think those elements must still be a long away ahead of me in the game.
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Soulful Gamer review Sun, 18 Jul 2010

Taking to the Wii, Monster Hunter Tri is a curious mix of epic quests and frustrating design restrictions. In my 50 hours, Monster Hunter Tri delivered some amazing hunting moments but I always felt embattled by the clumsy controls and empty environments.

Confessing you like Monster Hunter in the West is akin to admitting you have a Justin Bieber poster in your bedroom. At least, until Monster Hunter Tri was released for the Wii. It's acceptance in the West, and the successful way the online multiplayer has been implemented onto the Wii, has made the series more of cult hit than a Japanophile embarrassment.
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