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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 360 Review

19/12/2009 Artistic Mousey Gamer Review
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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 360

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2




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Other GamePeople columnists have reviewed this from their perspective - huh?:
Soulful Gamer (360)
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Considered Gamer (360)

Here's what I drew with my mouse after playing Batman: Arkham Asylum. I hope you like my video game reviews that are not hand drawn - but written one mouse stroke at a time.

Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer has a very subtle approach to balancing the universe. People that would normally shun the role-playing genre as nerdy will find themselves pleasantly grinding through online matches, gaining experience to unlock new weapons, attachments, in-game perks, and special character titles... an activity that pretty much defines standard RPG's.

Modern Warfare 2 has evolved immensely since its first installment, but the franchise has done a good job of building off of its Modern Warfare 1 roots rather than using the changes from Call of Duty: World at War. Kill-streak perks are not only different from before, they're completely customizable and have broken free from their numerical constraints. Previously chastised character perks like Juggernaut and Martyrdom are not revived, but instead act as death-streak bonuses, that embarrassing perk that only activates after you've died 4 times without getting a kill.

The Call of Duty franchise has once again delivered an insanely satisfying gaming experience that will easily appeal to any personality. So remember, the next time you want to pick on a nerd, his games pretty much drew the blue print for your favorite warfare simulator.

Written by Noah Rodenbeek

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Noah Rodenbeek writes the Mousey Gamer column.

"My mouse drawn reviews are my gut reaction to whatever game I've just played, and, as a service to the intelligent reader, it will be dispensed with as many pictures and as few words as I can manage."

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