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Swords and Soldiers
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Patapon 3 sticks with the mind-stretching rhythm controlled battle strategy, but takes things online for their new global multiplayer.
Patapon 3 is a rhythm action real time strategy game than still needs to be played to be understood. The third iteration combines a new chapter in the saga, new character units plus an all new online multiplayer mode - as opposed to the local Wi-Fi multiplayer of Patapon 2.
If you haven't played it before, the Patapons a warmongering tribe that dance, sing, and pillage their way from left to right of the screen. You control their advance by triggering attacks with different button-pressing rhythms. It's not a million miles away from Swords and Soldiers on Wii-ware, just with more music controlled action and fewer Vikings.
There is a demo is available to try from Tuesday, July 6th from the PlayStation Store.
Paul Govan writes the Reporting Gamer column.
"The problem with video game news is that there is so much of it. I've made it my task to sift out the noise and bring you news about games I think you should be excited about."
Here are the games I've been playing recently:
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