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Mousey Gamer (PS3)
Resistance is the PS3's top drawer shooting game, matched against the formidable Halo 3 360. After the first was tied to the PS3's launch and inevitably hurried through to completion, here developers Insomniac get a second bit of the cherry with Resistance 2. They deliver a fleshed out experience for single, or multiple players with high production values.
Shooting games present a world in which the character must shoot their way out of dangerous situations. They provide the player with an array of weapons tailored to specific tasks. This unavoidably involves a combination of fisticuffs and gun based fighting that dictates the violent nature of these experiences. Beneath this harsh exterior though is often an intricate tactile game - and this is usually what drives the player.
While Resistance is not without its novelties, the time slowing sniper rifle amongst these, it is the quality of the game that sets it apart from most similar experiences. From the off the player is led through a tightly honed campaign with pacing you might expect from a summer blockbuster.
Where the game looses out to Halo 3's distinctive cast of enemies (Brutes, Elites and the like) the volume and scale of Resistance 2 manages to do more than hold its own. Towering enemies pursue our hero through the stock distopian landscape - in battles that are anything but out of the usual shooter play book.
Multiplayer again gives other shooters (including Halo) a run for their money. It is simplicity here rather than burgeoning customisation. What is on offer in the available maps and modes can be tailored to suite most groups. The ability to fight in battles with XXX other players can help but get the competitive juices running for most players.
The game as a whole plays a little looser than other shooters. Somewhat informed by the greater travel on the PS3 Sixaxis/Dual Shock 3 controller, things feel slightly more forgiving than equivalent experiences on the 360. This is a matter of taste, and some will prefer the tighter feel of the 360 pad, but Sony's setup is certainly a little friendlier for new players.
Picking up after the first game, and finding a new opportunity to fight it out in the unusual real world setting will appeal to many. Brits will also appreciate being chosen as the setting for much of the action.
Look up from a head long charge into battle to see a towering colossus evokes a jaw dropping moment of almost comic proportions. Watching it turn to face and then target your diminutive protagonist then builds an against the odds sentiment that keeps players locked in for the duration.
Resistance 2 is particularly generous with its save points. Saving mid gaming and returning later rarely results in much lost progress. Here again Resistance is friendlier to the novice (or time constrained) gamer. This enables players to take the game at their own pace - although the filmic nature of proceedings lends itself to good two hour sessions, and should provide fifteen hours before players are through the single player.
This isn't a game for young children. And those with children approaching an appropriate age may be advised to play through some levels before letting them loose. It does however work well for those of suitable maturity and ability to play with their parents in the strong co-op mode.
Intermediate players will enjoy the easy start to the game, although difficulty is soon ramped up and the going gets a little thought.
Expert gamers are the most likely to appreciate both the form and the delivery of Resistance 2. Those that played the first game also benefit from the extension of the storyline.
Andy Robertson writes the Family Gamer column.
"Videogame reviews for the whole family, not just the kids. I dig out videogame experiences to intrigue and interest grownups and children. This is post-hardcore gaming where accessibility, emotion and storytelling are as important as realism, explosions and bravado."
Here are the games I've been playing recently:
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