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Super Street Fighter IV on 3DS 360 PS3

Super Street Fighter IV Screen Shots

Super Street Fighter IV is a Fighting game available on the 3DS 360 PS3. It can be played in Competitive 3d modes.

Super Street Fighter IV is a Fighting game. Fighting games revolve around the interaction of two or more characters in some form of physical combat. Players learn to control characters through either memorisation of button combinations to access more advance moves, or by their reactions and accurate timing.

Super Street Fighter IV can be played in a Competitive mode. Competitive Multiplayer games provide experiences where players compete against each other and the computer. Obviously lending itself to sports and team games, these competitive engagements have also dominated the shooting and fighting genres because of the direct combat and expertise involved in each. Although these games were originally played in a split screen style, more recently they are played online via services such as PlayStation Network, Xbox Live and the Nintendo Wireless Connection.

Super Street Fighter IV can be played in a 3d mode. These types of games use shuttered, polarised or even red/green glasses technology to create a 3D visual experience. This not only adds depth and changes how the game looks, but also opens up new camera views and play styles. The PS3 supports 3DTV's and the 3DS provides a top screen that enables glasses free 3D output.


Street Fighter 4

Super Street Fighter IV 3DS not only matches the home console game, but creates new ways to play and share the iconic fighting experience.

With Super Street Fighter IV's release closing fast, attention turns from the 3D visuals to the gameplay. The 3DS version of the fighting game offers two gameplay additions (as well as 10 new characters).
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Previous news:
Street Fighter 3D Details
Pro Evolution 2011 (3DS)
Street Fighter 3D Announced


Tech Gamer review Sun, 01 May 2011

The 3DS, has been blessed with one of the greatest fighting games of all time, Super Street Fighter IV. The game leaps from the 2D sprite bashing fest it once was, into a lenticular 3D spectacular.

Many people simply "don't do" fighting games. The genre could be said to lack depth. But there is more to these games than picking a character and mash some buttons until the bout is over.
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Perpetual Gamer review Sun, 30 May 2010

Super Street Fighter 4 is a game of the moment. When it has your attention there is nothing else in the room, but after playing very little stayed with me to ponder. My post-game strategising had been spent on the previous game.

It only took a glance at the achievements to realize that Super Street Fighter 4 is a far more focused product than the one which inspired it. This is a game that understands its audience - those people who are looking to take the fight online and dedicate considerable amounts of time to the cause. It wasn't too long before I realized that I'm not one of those people.
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Scared Gamer review Fri, 28 May 2010

Super Street Fighter 4 suckered me with my own nostalgia. It is undeniable worth the price, retailing at just twenty-five pounds; it adds a plethora of new characters, re-balancing, improved online and the return of bonus rounds. But I have reached a time in my life where getting friends around to play games is rare and random online matches become increasingly intimidated, so I feel duped by Capcom, because I am never going to play it how I want to.

It almost feels like the purchasing the newest instalment of Capcom's seminal brawler was a learned reflex, an innate responses to years of conditioning. Every revision of Street Fighter 2 was a day one purchase. Each tiny update would consume weeks of my life. Tucked away in my bedroom on a fifteen-inch monitor I would happily fight my way through the game time and again, heedless of the repetition that would bore me today.
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Family Gamer review Mon, 17 May 2010

Super Street Fighter 4 stands on the shoulders of giants and makes the very best of the view. Better balanced, more characters and improved online make this a surprisingly compelling update to an already impressive reemergence of a classic game.

Although not every family will want to engage with the full contact delights of Street Fighter, provided the on screen antics don't lead to living room conflict there is a lot of clean sporting fun to be had.
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Returning Gamer review Tue, 11 May 2010

Hadoukens in the wilderness. Sonic Booms lost to time. I was not the only gamer returning to a faint memory when I picked up Super Street Fighter 4.

There has been a whole catalogue of Super, Turbo, Hyper, and other adrenaline-pumping versions of previous games in the series. Most passed me by in a youthful haze. I was always content with my SNES Street Fighter II, oblivious to the lure of beefy suffixes and prefixes. I dipped in and out of the series after that, but eventually I moved on.
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Art Gamer review Wed, 02 Dec 2009

Right from the awesome intro sequences I was entranced by the rich and stylish artwork that wraps the game. While for some the muscle-frenzied appearance of the game's characters might take some getting used to, for me all the visuals hit the spot. Not only are the characters beautifully rendered and superbly animated, but the backdrops are fantastic too - my favourite being the simply beautiful Drive-in Diner stage.

Simply put, there is very little in this game to be disappointed about, it is everything that the ten year old me never even dared to dream of and more. The animation is sharp yet smooth, the pacing is superb, the sound is crisp, the roster of characters, repertoire of moves and collection of modes are all well thought out and nicely balanced, and the mix of old and new elements has been judged to perfection.
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Family Gamer review Wed, 04 Mar 2009

Since the very first of its many iterations hit arcades in 1987, Street Fighter has been one of the longest running and most widely loved franchises in gaming history. With Street Fighter 4, Capcom's classic has returned with a bang and well and truly blown this former arcade fiend away.

Although I remember the furore that engulfed our local arcade when Street Fighter was first installed, I was too young at the time to be able to push my way to the front of the queue of mesmerised faces. Like many people, my dragon punching and spinning-bird kicking began in earnest with the release of the seminal Street Fighter II in 1991. Almost immediately thereafter, and for a year or so of my life, establishing and keeping my three lettered name at the top of the Street Fighter II scoreboard in our local bowling-alley-cum-pizzeria-cum-Quasar-Laser was the most important thing around.
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Family Gamer review Sat, 21 Feb 2009

Street Fighter returns to its roots as a genre defining goliath. The forth version of the award winning fighting series wipes away much complexity (and controversy of the third and Alpha iterations). New sketchbook visuals adorn the same strong beating heart of a man against man fighting format.

Fighting games revolve around the interaction of two or more characters in some form of physical combat. Players learn to control characters through either memorisation of button combinations to access more advance moves, or by their reactions and accurate timing.
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