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Other GamePeople columnists have reviewed this from their perspective - huh?:
Soulful Gamer (PS3)
Soundtrack Gamer (OST)
Here's what I drew with my mouse after playing inFamous. I hope you like my video game reviews that are not hand drawn - but written one mouse stroke at a time.
InFamous is a great game. I have to admit that this game was under my radar, and I almost missed out on playing it. I say that because I have a strong feeling you may have looked at this game in the very same way. With that in mind, I have just a few things to say.
If Grand Theft Auto 3 and Spiderman 2 had a video game baby, it would look a lot like InFamous. The storyline might be a little more engaging, but the game mechanics would be just as mind-blowing and addictive. Everything I loved about Spiderman 2 (traveling across NY City by web, using super agile fighting moves to beat up bad guys, swooping in to save citizens from danger) and everything that first endeared me to the Grand Theft Auto franchise (open-world gameplay, freedom of choice between missions, endless amounts of sandbox fun) are combined in this amazing game.
I’ve yet to engineer a ratings system, but suffice it to say InFamous ranks very high!
Noah Rodenbeek writes the Mousey Gamer column.
"My mouse drawn reviews are my gut reaction to whatever game I've just played, and, as a service to the intelligent reader, it will be dispensed with as many pictures and as few words as I can manage."
Here are the games I've been playing recently:
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