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Gun Loco is an increasingly rare 360 exclusive, that injects more motion into the usual shooting game mechanic.
Square-Enix have given Gun Loco a sprint-action shooter moniker. This reflects the focus on in-motion shooting which we used to call runing-and-guning. The core gameplay spans single and multiplayer modes and involves running, ducking, jumping and vaulting while holding a steady fire-arm.
WIth production and gameplay that looks to pickup where Free Radical's TimeSplitters series ran aground. The same frantic gameplay, wacky criminals and animal based masked lend the game a other worldy, slightly creepy, dimension.
Characters in the game have a unique kill move and take-down taunt. Each "surreal socio-paths" comes from the hand of Kenny Wong who usually spends his time in Hong Kong making action figures - and have a touch of Bioshock about them.
No release date yet for Gun Loco on 360.
Paul Govan writes the Reporting Gamer column.
"The problem with video game news is that there is so much of it. I've made it my task to sift out the noise and bring you news about games I think you should be excited about."
Here are the games I've been playing recently:
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