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Further reading:
Chris Jarvis
Epic Mickey: The Power of 2 (PS3)
Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure (DS)
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Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion is a mix of two worlds: the classic legacy of a great Sega Megadrive platformer and the exciting prospect of Epic Mickey 2.
With Epic Mickey: The Power of 2 (PS3) recently announced, it is also exciting to note that the 3DS is getting its very own Mickey Mouse game with Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion. Clearly part of the modern Epic Mickey branding, Power of Illusion is also cited as a sequel to the classic Megadrive platformer, Castle of Illusion.
In practice this means that Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion will be a scrolling 2D platformer, using the 3DS' display to provide impressive depth to the parallax backgrounds alongside extremely high quality hand-animated characters.
The levels in Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion are set to be based on different Disney movie environments in which you will meet the important characters. In addition, the 3DS version will call upon you to draw objects on the touchscreen which will become real in the game to defeat enemies and overcome obstacles.
If I have one very good reason to be excited by Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion, it is that it is being developed by the creators of the almost-flawless Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure (DS). As a puzzling platformer with unique mechanics, Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion could not ask for a better heritage.
Epic Mickey: Power of Illusion is currently planned for release on the Nintendo 3DS in Autumn 2012.
Chris Jarvis wrote this Reporting Gamer article under the watchful eye of Paul Govan.
"The problem with video game news is that there is so much of it. I've made it my task to sift out the noise and bring you news about games I think you should be excited about."
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