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Killzone 3 PS3 News

24/12/2010 Specialist Reporting Gamer News
Guest author: Amber Gilmore
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Killzone 3 PS3

Killzone 3




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Amber Gilmore

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Other GamePeople columnists have reviewed this from their perspective - huh?:
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Dressup Gamer (PS3)

Killzone 3 has been released on PS3 and been provided for us to preview/review by the publisher.

Believe it or not we are still playing it. Here are some extracts of what we made of it in chronological order:

"Killzone 3 for PS3 adds variety but loses the series' visceral experience. I was teed up for a gritty, ear-splitting story in a desolate landscape, but I got a whistle stop tour that emphasised variety over the raw feeling of combat..."
- Dressup Gamer (Wed, 30 Mar 2011)

"Killzone 3 creates magical moments of technological greatness. Electronic engineering and peripheral design work together wonderfully, but beyond the gadgetry there isn't quite enough videogame..."
- Tech Gamer (Sat, 26 Mar 2011)

"Killzone 3's first foot forward may be a terrifyingly violent and intense shooter, but beneath the brawn beats a friendly gesture controlled heart..."
- Family Gamer (Wed, 16 Mar 2011)

Killzone 3 PS3 Release

24/12/2010 11:01

Killzone 3's motion controls, Jetpacks and split-screen multiplayer are all very welcome, but don't hide the fact that this is essentially more of the same. No complaints about that from me though.

Killzone 3 picks up where Killzone 2 left off, following the story of a futuristic special forces fighting the fascist Helghast empire. The plot has Sev and his comrade Rico caught in the crossfire between political factions, and will provide more insight into the Helghan enemy's culture.

The story and characters may be cliched, but the Killzone series is popular for its stunning visuals and solid first-person-shooter gameplay, in both single and multiplayer modes.

Killzone 3 will follow the same basic formula as Killzone 2, with a few additions and refinements. Melee combat is gaining new attacks and combos, and players will now be able to use Jetpacks for a quick height boost (ed: Halo Reach anyone?).

In addition to the usual online multiplayer, Killzone 3 will include a split-screen multiplayer mode for local co-op play. Another addition is motion control, with the ability to use PlayStation Move for aiming and other functions. There will also be a 3D mode for those with a 3D-capable TV.

Killzone 3 will be released for PS3 on February 22, 2011 in America and February 28 in Europe.

Guest review by Amber Gilmore

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Amber Gilmore wrote this Reporting Gamer article under the watchful eye of Paul Govan.

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