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Time Crisis Razing Storm PS3 Move News

12/10/2010 Specialist Reporting Gamer News
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Time Crisis Razing Storm PS3 Move

Time Crisis Razing Storm

PS3 Move



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Multiplayer Gamer (PS3)

Time Crisis Razing Storm has been released on PS3 Move and been provided for us to preview/review by the publisher.

Believe it or not we are still playing it. Here are some extracts of what we made of it in chronological order:

"Time Crisis: Razing Storm throws everything into this release; three full games, on-rails gun play, first person shooting and comprehensive online multiplayer modes. But it's still the knife edge competitive nature of Time Crisis 4 that shines the brightest..."
- Multiplayer Gamer (Sat, 30 Oct 2010)

Time Crisis Razing Storm PS3 Move Release

12/10/2010 08:30

Time Crisis Razing Storm tests Move's light gun sensibilities. But just in case, along with new local and online modes, it brings along Time Crisis 4 and Deadstorm Pirates (and G-Con 3 support) for the ride.

Time Crisis was an arcade revelation when it added duck and cover mechanics the light gun mayhem. Time Crisis: Razing Storm is the first title to stretch the response time of the new Move controller.

But this isn't just a new game for PS3 move, it also includes Time Crisis 4 and Deadstorm Pirates. The former is the arcade version of the series, while the later takes you into swashbuckling territory.

Razing Crisis is where you'll find the innovation though. Here for the first time in a Time Crisis title the environments are fully destructible, and you find support for not only a Move controller housed in a retro Buck Rogers gun but also the older Guncon 3 unit.

The main game offers a single player Campaign, that is complemented by a two player Arcade point attack mode with online leader boards. A four player Sentry mode sounds like a hot seat timed challenge rather than our much missed four player split screen - that honour is still reserves for Ghost Squad on the Wii. There is however an eight player online battle mode where you compete directly against other players around the world.

Razing Crisis offers a suit of new futuristic weapons that include a cluster shot and rocket launcher. The classic sniper rifle returns to challenge players to keep their hand steady enough to make the shot.

Time Crisis Razing Storm is due for release in 2011 on PS3.

Written by Paul Govan

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