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Other GamePeople columnists have reviewed this from their perspective - huh?:
Story Gamer (Wii)
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Batman: The Brave and the Bold has been released on Nintendo Wii and been provided for us to preview/review by the publisher.
Believe it or not we are still playing it. Here are some extracts of what we made of it in chronological order:
"Batman: The Brave and the Bold Wii is the flipside to the successful Arkham games, a cartoon 2D platformer that's colourful, funny and charming..."
- Story Gamer (Mon, 02 Jan 2012)
"Batman The Brave and The Bold is intense fun that is over a bit quick. But with the collectibles and link-up Wii play there is still enough here to keep you playing for quite some time..."
- Teen Gamer (Mon, 02 Jan 2012)
"Batman The Brave and The Bold is brim-full of co-operative fighting fun. Although at times repetitive, playing together with two kids on the Wii and one on the DS turns this into more than just a Batman branded novelty..."
- Family Gamer (Mon, 02 Jan 2012)
16/08/2010 10:30
Batman The Brave and the Bold offers something for families not ready to jump into Arkham's sinister rendering on the big consoles. This cartoon version of the capped crusader offers more Blam and less Blood.
The Wii/DS version of Batman sensibly takes the cartoon route, and leave the sinister vigilantism to the 360/PS3's Arkham Batman games. The game casts players as Batman or the Green Lantern in a crime fighting cartoon caper - think Adam West rather than Christian Bale.
WayForward Studios, who were praised for Contra 4 DS and A Boy and His Blob Wii, look like they have pitched this about right. The Brave and the Bold features the voice work and humorous writing from the cartoons as players explore a range of locations from Gotham to mysterious island laboratories and strange planets.
The Wii version two players can work through the platform fighting action together, with an AI partner filling in for those playing alone. If you have the DS version as well you can unlock the Bat-Mite character for play in both titles.
Batman The Brave and the Bold is released late September.
Paul Govan writes the Reporting Gamer column.
"The problem with video game news is that there is so much of it. I've made it my task to sift out the noise and bring you news about games I think you should be excited about."
Here are the games I've been playing recently:
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